Interlated has a highly experienced core team and the experience within the web-community to have relationships with people who are outstanding in specific areas of expertise.
Julian Rymaszewski: provides creative, design and web-production skills.
Julian is a talented and experienced graphic designer. Julian has a particular skill in designing sites that are attractive while still being usable and accessible and being able to fit into content management systems and web development frameworks.
Martin Chadwick: provides web-development, deployment and build management skills. Martin supports the web infrastructure.
Martin is a developer and system administrator with significant experience in building highly functional and content-rich sites. Experienced in deploying database and content management systems integration. Martin can help with development process automation, development operations and setting up sophisticated web delivery platforms.
Martin has developed automation systems that rapidly deploy MountainRiver solutions allowing people to engage with the technologies earlier.
Greg McLachlan: Greg is a highly experienced and competent web developer. Experienced in coding with php, javascript or java using a range of frameworks such as Drupal and Symfony. Greg has been building websites for over 15 years.
John Robens: Provides oversight, project management and plays a technical problem solving role.
John is a principal of Interlated and has been building web-sites and integrating systems since the early 1990s. John has a breadth of knowledge invaluable to leading-edge web integration projects. John has specialised in web-2.0 development, UNIX systems integration and content management systems. John also has experience with distributed services or data frameworks and standards. Specific knowledge domains include retail, environmental and geographic. John has spent many years ensuring project delivery in technical lead or project management roles, including managing projects of significant size and performing user-centred-analysis.
John holds Bachelors degrees in Computer Science and Economics (Australian National University) and a Masters of Business and Technolology (University of NSW).