Mountain River can load test infrastructure, can check your website for quality and write test suites.
Infrastructure Load Testing
Make sure that your website is tuned properly and be aware of its capability.
The infrastructure Mountain River can check includes:
- Linux servers.
- Apache php, nginx php, or tomcat java.
Mountain River will review the configuration of the server. We setup a test virtual server with a similar configuration and run 'siege' or 'jmeter' against the application. We will test at various load levels from an expected low level past where the server operates effectively. We wil vary key tuning parameters and report on a set of optimum parameters and the expected capability of the web application.
Performance Testing
Performance testing is great to do preemptively, although if comments have been received saying that the site is too slow we can identify causes or apply best practices.
Mountain River will:
- Review the site to get a feel for performance bottlenecks, discuss any performance feedback.
- Build a benchmark. We will time selected pages, possibly at various times of the day to record the current performance of the website.
- Run tools such as yslow and web proxy testers to time the components of a web page.
- We will provide a serious of recommendations. These may include changes to infrastructure, minifying CSS and javascript, optimising images, using content distribution networks or an identification that a key applciation is too slow. We are looking for cheaper things to remedy. Application or infrastructure changes may be put on a second list of longer term actions.
Website Quality Testing
MountainRiver CMS has found that high quality sites are more reliable for visitors, cost lest to maintain and are more flexible in the reuse of services and content.