MountainRiver understands that it is important that your web site look beautiful. View our large collection of great looking websites that we have built for other customers.
Beautiful Looking Websites
Your site looks great and this makes people feel happy. The site can be shared around with pride and sets the tone of customer interactions into the future.
Supports your Business
The graphic design of a site supports communication as much as the text does. What are people's first impressions of your site? What emotions are being triggered when they see it? What is the presentation asking them to do?
Devices and Screens of All Shapes and Sizes
The web is about catering for visitors needs and these days screens come in all shapes and sizes. We may recommend a separate 'touch friendly' mobile treatment, although we use techniques and technologies that allow a site to look as good as possible on as broad a range of screens as possible. No longer is 'pixel perfect' enough, the design has to adapt to the visitors device while still being highly accurate. This is much harder than the 'controlling every aspect' print design approach to web graphics. The effect is much better though, no more 'postage stamp' websites displayed in the middle of screens and not more only being able to see 1/3 of the page on the latest and greatest but still only luggable mobile phone.
The graphic design has to be both beautiful and buildable. If the design doesn't consider how the site is going to be updated, your site will look stale very quickly and the frustration levels will be high. The design should also not freak out visitors to the site too much. Computers cause enough angst without making people invest heavily in emotional energy in using your site. Designing things to be clean and as obvious as possible while using web conventions so that people don't have to learn new systems are all important considerations.