A suggested 15 week schedule for redeveloping the site.
Milestone 1 (depending on contract signing)
Project commencement.
Week 1
Set site objectives, design goals and information architecture context.
Milestone 2: Week 3
Review prototype design, proposed information architecture.
Iteration 1
Develop site theme, information architecture and site infrastructure. Review content conversion tasks.
Milestone 3: Week 6
Review site theme, built infrastructure and outline site functionality.
Iteration 2
Refinements to iteration 1 outcomes if any. Build site functionality. Test content conversion.
Milestone 3: Week 9
Iteration 3
Test, review with content authors and traingin.
Milestone 4: Week 12
Content freeze
Iteration 4
Site launch.
Milestone 5: Week 15
Go Live
Support Agreement start
Support Agreement end