Name *
Organisation/Company *
Email address *
Phone number *
What is the official name of your website?
If you have an existing website, what is it's address?
Please list any competitor websites that provide similar services
What type of visitors do you want to draw to the website?
How will you know if this website is a success?
What is the purpose of your website?
Do you have a vision statement or a tagline you want include?
What services or products do you offer?
What will your main links/sections be?
What elements do you think you may want on your home page?
Are there any elements that you feel need to be on every page of your website?
Are there other websites whose design/look you like (please list at least 3)?
Do you have a style, fonts, colours, icons that are to be used?
Do you have the domain name registered?
Do you need any special functionality?